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tips proposal episod III

ok akma terus update 2 posts sekaligus.....senang untuk kawan2 nak refer...akma sebenarnya x terror gak nak share tapi setakat mana akma tahu dan attend kelas...akma leh share kan..ini kerana akma master in coursework not by research.....mostly orang cakap...master by research proposal nak lepas pon memakan bebarapa sem bukan hari tau...tapi master by course agak mudah asalkan memenuhi beberapa kriteria asas yang ditetapkan oleh universiti@fakulti...

akma ada tanya kak umi she is  master in information technology ke???kat uitm by research..tajuk yang dia dapat agak tough..memang akma x paham dan xnak paham nanti kita plak jadi ter'over rajin nak tolong fikir...sebab kerja yang sedia ada melambak...ok akma paste yang k.umi share yer?

ini sebenarnya format/contents untuk sesuatu proposal...consist of three chapters...

  1. chapter 1: introduction
  1. chapter 2: literature review (LR)
  1. chapter 3: research methodology
ok dalam setiap chapter apa sub yang perlu ada???akma paste k.umi punya dulu hehhehee


Research proposal is a written statement of the research design that includes a statement explaining the objective of the study and a detailed, systematic outline of a particular research methodology.  Normally, the research proposal for a Master / PhD degree includes the following elements:

1.                  Full title of the research
2.                  Background of the problem/ Study
3.                  Problem statement / thesis statement / problem identification
4.                  Research Objective / Research Questions
5.                  Scope and limitation of the study
6.                  Significance of study
7.                  Conceptual Framework (if applicable)
8.                  Hypotheses
9.                  Research methodology / research design / Sampling / Data Collection /
Plan for Data Analysis
10.              List of references

OK k.umi..akma ucapkan terima kasih sudi share..... lepas tu akma ada tanya senior yang sambung PhD di UMP under fac yang sama (PhD konpem2 by research) so she gave some content format...jap yer...akma copy paste lagi..penat gak menaip kan?hehehe TQ banyak2 kak ainul azila yang kenal via fb sahaja hehhe...

  • Introduction
  • Objective
  • Scope
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Expected outcome
  • Conclusion
  • Reference
Ok dan yang akma buat is contains as below:
      • Chap 1: introduction
          • Introduction/background
          • problem statement
          • goal and objective
          • summary
      • Chap 2: literature review LR
          • Sebolehnya numbering dari 2.1.....2.x la....senang nak bc..nak diff each point/subtopic kan?
      • Chap 3: Reasearch methodology
          • 3.1 apakah methodology research kita? contoh ada 5 fasa bermula dari analize data dan berakhir dengan testing
          • so 3.2 dan so on kena wat sub topic based on fasa dalam methodology kita tu.... (akma wat camni masa proposal hari tu supervised by Dr Tuty Asmawaty Abdul Kadir)
      • Conclusion
      • Reference

ok dear mashiroh, karnai dan kawan2 lain.....boleh start now dengan reading all da journals has been search for dan boleh start dengan tips 1-3 dan start menulis intro dulu ke..ok yer chayok2.....akma pon baru siapkan draft proposal yang da simplest one submit kat sv....proposal..hem belom habis research uuuu

ok good luck all inc me hehee
